Please read our privacy policy below.
Ashbrook Aesthetics: Privacy Policy
Information this website collects
Our website collects opt-in email addresses and additional information depending on the website form such as first and last names and general information such as how we can serve the user or which services the user is most interested in. We also collect cookies on this website for marketing purposes to help determine which of our information is most relevant for our website users.
Reasoning for collecting this information
The reason for collecting this opt-in information is to provide the user with communication for relevant information about our services, most often via our email newsletter.
How this website collects this information
The collection of email addresses and names is only done via our opt-in website forms. The cookie data collection occurs via standard marketing codes (example: Google tags and Facebook pixel) to help determine what information and resources our website users are most interested in provides us the possibility of marketing to previous website users.
What the data will be used for
The data collected on this website is used expressly for our product and services. No data from this website will be sold to third-party entities for use.
How we inform users of privacy policy changes
Because the website will need to remain consistent and up to date with all of its privacy policies, if our privacy policy changes we will notify the user via one of these methods: pop up window, website banner, emails messages, social media or website blog post.
How users can contact us about privacy policy
If you have need to contact us about our privacy policy, please use the Contact page on our website to get in touch. Our email, mailing address, and phone number are also on the footer of this website if you need those methods to get in touch.
Statement on protecting personal data
Our website uses a secure SSL Certificate for website safety. Any offline information is stored within a secure, password protected platform. All of the information collected on this website is used strictly by our team and our employees who follow the guidelines listed in this privacy policy. We do not sell any collected information with any third-party companies.